在我的世界手机版减少末地之后,主机版也将加到鞘翅与末地世界。除此之外,还有更加多非常丰富元素等候你来找到,虽然与我的世界电脑版的JAVA版本还有相当大的差距,但是这种距离正在渐渐延长。【我的世界pc版交流群1】青睐各位小伙伴重新加入!群号:608527093!| 主机版改版Weve prepared a rather spectacular seasonal gift for Console Edition. As is traditional, youll have to wait until late December to open up the full package, but were happy to give you a teeny preview today - the digital equivalent of letting you sneak downstairs and give your gift-wrapped goodies a little inquisitive shake.我们为主机版玩家打算了相当可观的季节性礼物。
Thats if you can even lift the box - this is the biggest update weve put out this year! There are new mobs, blocks, items, status effects and all manner of other tweaks. Here are a few of the things you might hear rattling round inside:当然你甚至可以拿起盒子。这是我们今年的仅次于改版!我们加到了新的生物、方块、物品、状态效果还有其他的一些东西。你可能会听见盒子收到这样的响声Elytra! Soar through The End on your freshly-minted insectoid glider, or, if youd rather practice first, why not put your aerobatic skills to the test by generating a world with the new Amplified Terrain option?滑翔翅!用近期的仿生学滑翔翼进步末地吧。如果你想再行练练手的话,为什么不出一个新的大型地形的世界中测试你的特技飞行呢?End Cities, replete with End Ships, Chorus Plants, Chorus Flowers and Purpur blocks. Not all is as it seems, however - some blocks may conceal Shulkers, limpet-like enemies who fire homing rockets. Take a hit and youll takedamage and experience something new, too: levitation! Elytra are essential to avoid an uncomfortable landing.末地城!满眼都是末地船,紫影花,紫影植物以及紫柏块。
尽管无法一言而论,但是有些方块也许是潜影贝,一种射击火箭弹的傀儡型敌人。被打中你就不会伤势,同时感受到一种新鲜的感觉,对,飘浮!鞘翅是必需的,不然降落的时候可苦不吃了。You can now use Dragons Breath to create Lingering Potions - throwable potions that leave a bubbling slick behind, ideal for ensnaring unwary pursuers.你现在能用龙息制作逗留型药水,一种可抛掷的道具,用于后不会留给一滩不能叙述。
专治粗心的尾随者。Theres quite a few other stocking-fillers in there, too - but youll just have to wait for the free update to launch to unwrap its other mysteries!当然还有一些其他的玩意,但是你得等免费改版释放出后才能找出其他的奥秘了。以上就是4399Remilia为大家带给的我的世界主机版改版,更加多精彩内容请求注目4399我的世界电脑版专区,或者在百度上搜寻4399我的世界,寻找我们的专区,才可在第一时间取得我的世界的近期涉及内容。
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